Collection Review

The Big Picture
If you have amassed a collection of beautiful fine jewelry over the years, but know it could use some attention, let's schedule a collection review. We would begin by arranging a convenient time to meet, preferably at your home, so that you can present all of your jewelry at once. I'll inspect it piece-by-piece, and we will start by determining the following:
Does it fit you properly so that it is both comfortable and flattering?
Do you own complementary pieces to wear with it? ​
Are you happy with how it looks on you?
Does it need a professional cleaning?
Does it need repair? (restringing, prongs replaced, etc.)
If you’re not wearing it, why not?
Once we have sorted through the collection, we will view it as a whole and discuss additional considerations such as:
Is your collection appraised properly, or do you need new, or updated appraisals?
Do you dream of owning an iconic piece of jewelry to enhance your collection?
Does your collection contain too many similar pieces?
Are you missing pieces that would make the rest of your collection more wearable?
Would you like to sell or trade in some of your unwanted jewelry for cash, or a new piece of jewelry?
Would you wear a piece more if it were restyled to better suit your taste?
Are you storing your jewelry properly?
What is your long-term plan for the collection?
I can also show you new ways to wear your existing pieces and offer suggestions on how to modify them for more versatility. We can create a working plan for future purchases so that you know what to look for the next time you’re shopping, or to offer a suggestion to someone who inquires about buying you a gift. I can inventory your collection with photographs and details that can be stored in a folder on your phone for immediate access.
Finally, we can decide together which projects you would like to pursue immediately, and which are more long-term in nature. I suggest starting small, with just a few of your needs, and proceeding to the next group after they have been fulfilled.
Once all jobs are complete, we can work together on an as-needed basis, or in an ongoing relationship. I can also keep my eyes open for pieces on your wish list in the years ahead and contact you when I find something that I think you might like.
Contact me today and let's review your jewelry collection together.