Upgrading Your Diamond

Let’s agree not to use the term "upgrading," shall we? It is fraught with negative connotations that could insult the giver of the ring, the recipient, or both. I like the word “enhancing” as a kinder option.
Why might you want to enhance your diamond engagement ring?
Your style has changed over the years, and your original engagement ring no longer reflects your taste;
One of you feels funny about the substantially larger diamond your future daughter-in-law just received from your son, so you would like to bump up your ring to its senior position in the family;
You have an important anniversary coming up and you want to recognize it by amplifying your original diamond in some way;
Early financial struggles as a couple are in the past; after decades of hard work it’s time to enjoy the finer things in life that you can now afford.
Whether you are thinking about a much larger diamond to be set in your existing mounting, or a completely different shape of stone – oval, perhaps? – for an altogether new look, I can navigate sourcing, pricing, and design issues for you from start to finish. This includes the possible trade-in, liquidation, or restyling of your original diamond.
Contact me to learn the advantages of working with a fine jewelry advisor to enhance your diamond engagement ring.